Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Computer Trivia Questions

  1. What do the letters "MS" in MSNBC stand for?
  2. What new company was born when IBM sold its printer and Selectric divisions?
  3. Which search engine uses its canine mascot, Alfie, to fetch results for users?
  4. What was the name given to the device know known as the Palm Pilot when it was being developed?
  5. Which operating system was developed by a college student named Linus Torvalds?
  6. Which computer was launched in two distinct colors, Blueberry and Tangerine?
  7. What was the world's first personal computer?
  8. Who was referred to as the "Master of the Universe" when he appeared on the cover of Time magazine in 1995?
  9. Ethernet is a registered trademark of what company?
  10. Unix is a registered trademark of which company?
  11. What does the letter "A" in RAM stand for?
  12. Which computer company was first to develop a mouse?
  13. Which company introduced the first laptop computer in 1981?
  14. What was its model number?
  15. What does JPEG stand for?

Funny Computer Trivia Questions

  1. How big is a byte?
  2. How big is a nibble?
  3. Is a bit bigger than a byte?
  4. A computer keyboard has the name of its inventor spelled out on it. What is the name?
  5. Why are computer viruses known as "bugs"?
  6. What is Bill Gates' real name?
  7. What is a dongle?

A Few Silly Computer Trivia Questions

  1. How can you tell that your computer is suffering from old age?
  2. What happened when the computer was dropped on the floor?
  3. How do you describe a computer virus?
  4. What part of the keyboard does an astronaut like best?

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